About her Arangetram
Chandsi completed her first Maargam on 9th April 2016 at the India international Center, New Delhi. The Evening saw talent coming to its best and accolades were showered on her by eminent personalities, Chief guest Smt. Pratibha Prahlad (renowned Bharatnatyam exponent and culture specialist). Guest of Honour Mr. Brian Silas ( well-known pianist) and Dr. Samvit Patra (National spokesperson of the Bharitya Janta Party) praised Chandsi’s performance.
Chandsi was complemented for pulling such a vigorous training and putting the entire show with ease and confidence without any mistakes. She was praised for her strong Abhinaya skills and meticulous footwork.
She started the program with and invocation Pushpanjali, Alarippu, Jatiswaram. The center piece varnam, followed by keertanam and Kabir bhajan. Compiling it with Tillana. Her stage presence was appreciated by all.